Hustle IdeasProductivity

How to Grow Multiple Side Hustles and Stay Organized

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ow to Grow Multiple Side Hustles and Stay Organized

The truth is, many business owners prefer to have more than one side hustle, and for a good reason.

Electricity tariffs are increasing, mortgages are on the high side and the cost of living is doubling what we used to know. As a result, starting multiple side hustles would pay off real good.

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According to recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of people who engaged in multiple side hustles increased to 8,137,000, or 5.1% of all those who were employed. You can test the market for your preferred side hustle ideas and explore a range of interests and learn how to handle multiple side hustles.

As inflation rises, it’s crucial to invest some time in business planning and strategy before attempting multiple side businesses.

This article will guide you on how to grow multiple side hustles and stay organized.

Key Highlights

🎯 In the past 20 years, women have been more likely than males to have several side hustles going on.

🎯 In the first three months of 2018, 6.6% of males and 9.1% of women reported having multiple jobs.

🎯 The LEHD data show that from 1996 to 2018, 7.2% of all working people held several side hustles on average.

As more people rely on side jobs to augment their income, they also become aware of how challenging it can be to keep track of everything.

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Fortunately, there are strategies you can employ to manage your side businesses, keep yourself organized, and ensure that you are making the most of many sources of revenue.

Let’s look at the top seven strategies for staying organized while growing multiple side hustles.

1. You Need a Schedule

Putting a schedule in place for yourself is among the wisest things you can do when you have multiple side hustles going at once.

One of the easiest methods to keep organized and prevent being overwhelmed is to create a schedule and make sure you stick to your schedule, so try to be as practical as you can.

A general timetable of the tasks you must perform and when they must be finished is a great way to make sure you don’t take on too much. Keeping track of all you need to do might be difficult when several tasks are ongoing at once.

It can be easier to keep track of each project separately if you have a schedule to refer to. You can use your phone’s calendar app or one of the many other schedule-making apps available now.

Otherwise, writing out your schedule by hand is also a terrific method to put your calendar in order. And a great technique is to color-code each side hustle to set it out from the others.

2. You Need a Daily Plan

After you’ve created a schedule, think about the goals you have for each day. Set aside some time to consider the look you want each day to have. You could divide your day into segments, with each segment devoted to a different side hustle.

Additionally, it’s a terrific strategy to avoid getting overworked and, ideally, maintain a healthy balance between work and life. On your phone, you can save a daily routine in apps like the Calendar and configure alerts and notifications to keep you on track.

3. You Need to Set Priorities

Prioritizing what tasks you need to perform each day will help you further keep your daily schedule. Even though having a to-do list for the day can be stressful, setting priorities can help you manage your expectations and what you have to get done each day.

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Your projects can be prioritized in a variety of ways. For instance, if you have trouble remembering deadlines, you can decide to arrange your tasks according to when they are due.

You might also consider setting up your chores according to time so that you can do the larger, more challenging ones first before moving on to the smaller or simpler ones.

4. You Need to Focus

You most likely have a particular business or revenue source that comes first even if you have other side hustles. This could be the main source of your income or the undertaking you are most enthusiastic about.

Make sure you give this project the time and effort it needs and give it top priority. Your side businesses do not have to suffer if you have a single focus.

It might be a terrific approach to ensure that you give them adequate time. When you’re doing something you love, it’s easy to get carried away, but focusing on one project above others will help you set aside enough time to complete everything you need, ensuring no project is left unfinished.

5. You Should Design a system

The idea of assigning different colors to jobs in your schedule depending on the project was mentioned earlier. However, this is just another method you may start to organize your side businesses and make your calendar more organized.

Systematizing your side businesses could entail anything from paperwork to color labeling. For instance, you may organize your time based on how much of it you have available or develop a sophisticated file system that guarantees you never lose anything.

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You will probably see changes in the way you organize both your time and income if you opt to systematize your side businesses. Think about some other things you could systematize in addition to your tasks.

You could organize things like appointments and meetings, invoices and receipts, or social media profiles. It’s an excellent move to systematize these tasks to make sure you’re prepared and have all you require to run your business.

6. You Need Work Hours Audit

Most activities in life require good time management, particularly when several projects are underway at once. For some people to be successful, they must monitor every minute of every day, but for others, auditing only certain blocks of time is sufficient.

Your decision will be based on what works best for you and your schedule. Consider carefully the amount of time you can devote to each side business. You must be practical and consider the quantity of time you would like to spend.

7. You Need to Maintain Good Financial Control

After systematizing your financial records for each business or side hustle, you need to maintain organization and control over your financial life.

No matter how much money you make or how much time you invest, everything from tax returns to company insurance is essential for the success of your side hustles.

However, dealing with such things can be difficult if you don’t have a strong sense of financial responsibility. Therefore, when it comes to funds, it would be great if you stayed organized from the beginning. Thankfully, there are lots of software programs and apps that may assist you in maintaining your financial organization.

If managing your money overwhelms you easily, think about adopting an app or piece of software to better manage your income from payments to invoicing and others.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re a doctor, a nursing mother, or an accountant, side jobs are becoming more and more popular ways to supplement your income and utilize skills.

However, as we’ve seen, starting and running numerous side businesses successfully requires a lot of planning and organization.

So, you must be honest about what you can offer, maintain your focus, and adhere to your timetable as much as you can.